2.16 update

Published by Joe Falaschi on
2.16 was a release that optimized two main thingsoptimize the documents aspect of the platformoptimize the add device process for mobile phonesDocuments:Keeping track of documents is a big part of Nucleo. Documents can be related to many ... Read More

Screenshots of main views as of v2.15

Published by Joe Falaschi on
We realize not everyone is going to want to go through the process of a demo right away but to get more familiar with the system, here are some screenshots of Nucleo.Customer Page:... Read More

The Nucleo Origin Story

Published by Joe Falaschi on
The Beginnings: To take it all the way back to the beginning we built a very simple tower inventory program for our WISP in the early 2000s.  It was very basic and really only consisted of tower locations, access points and other tower devices.  We were a WISP that ran primarily... Read More